UK MEETS YOKKAICHI 日英不思議まんだら あーかい部



BIG HERO 6 [ビッグヒーロー・シックス]は、
[映画版での]舞台は、San Francisco(サンフランシスコ)と東京を合わせた、San Fransokyo (サン・フランソーキョー)という名前の架空都市だそうだ。
This is actually pretty cool to see Disney and Marvel working on a movie together. Plus, the characters of Big Hero 6 fits the kid-friendly things that Disney's known for. I just hope Marvel gets a say in their character's personality and are allowed to cordinate the fight scenes. Disney can work on the story.
When the Japanese government wanted a team of state-sanctioned superheroes at their disposala top-secret consortium of politicians and business entities known as the Giri was formed to recruit and train potential superhuman operatives for "Big Hero 6."
日本政府が国として認可したスーパーヒーローのチームがBIG HERO6で、それはスーパーヒーローを秘密裏にスカウトし、超人類を育成するために発足された政府や産業のトップシークレットの組織「ギリ(義理!?)」が運営しているものである。(Avengersの、Shieldシールドみたいなもんか。)
でもまぁ、実に日本趣味で面白いなまえもある。Silver Samuraiはともかく、GoGo Tomagoってなんだろう。昔、たまごっちってプラモに、GOGO TAMAGORO(タマゴロー)≪知ってる人がいたらすごい?≫っていうのなかったっけ。なんかそれに似てる名前だな。。あるいはタランティーノが名づけそうなアホな名前(失礼。。)みたいな感じもする。。
Despite reservations by some members of the Giri, Silver Samurai, a freelance ronin and former bodyguard of the terrorist Viper, was appointed as field commander. Secret agent Honey Lemon, inventor of the nanotechnology-based Power Purse from which she could access any object, also agreed to join the team. The tough-talking GoGo Tomago, able to transubstantiate her body into a fiery force blast by uttering her code-name, was released from prison on the condition that she serve on the team. The Machiavellian bureaucrat known only as Mr. Oshima was appointed as the Giri's spokesperson and coordinated Big Hero 6's activities.
Government scientists next identified 13-year-old boy genius Hiro Takachiho as a potential operative. Unimpressed with the Silver Samurai, Hiro declined joining the team until his mother was kidnapped by the Everwraith, the astral embodiment of all those killed in the 1945 nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Joined by Baymax, a synthetic bodyguard capable of synthforming into a dragon which was created by Hiro using the brain engrams of his dead father, Hiro reluctantly joined forces with Big Hero 6 to prevent Everwraith from slaughtering millions in downtown Tokyo. During the battle, Big Hero 6 was joined by Sunfire, Japan's premiere superhero and a mutant with the ability to super-heat matter into plasma, who was instrumental in the Everwraith's defeat.
Soon after, Big Hero 6 moved their headquarters from the Giri Office Building to Japan's Cool World Amusement Park, where they were attacked by X the Unknowable, a monster born from a child's drawings that could transform its atomic structure into any form and shape. With the help of Alpha Flight, Big Hero 6 destroyed X the Unknowable in the fires of Mount Fuji. Afterwards, Big Hero 6 continued to protect Japan from all threats, such as when the team rescued Tokyo residents from a freak blizzard caused by the Crimson Cowl and her Masters of Evil.
Eventually, Sunfire left Big Hero 6 so that he could work at Charles Xavier's X-Corporation office in Mumbai, India. His spot on the team was filled by Sunpyre, a young woman with similar solar-based powers who was pulled into this reality through the Power Purse and came to worship Honey Lemon as her own personal god. Similarly, after Silver Samurai was seemingly slain in an altercation with the assassin Elektra in Iraq, his spot on the team was filled by the enigmatic Ebon Samurai. With the two most experienced members of Big Hero 6 gone, Hiro became the team's new leader.
Soon after, Big Hero 6 moved their headquarters from the Giri Office Building to Japan's Cool World Amusement Park, where they were attacked by X the Unknowable, a monster born from a child's drawings that could transform its atomic structure into any form and shape. With the help of Alpha Flight, Big Hero 6 destroyed X the Unknowable in the fires of Mount Fuji. Afterwards, Big Hero 6 continued to protect Japan from all threats, such as when the team rescued Tokyo residents from a freak blizzard caused by the Crimson Cowl and her Masters of Evil.
Eventually, Sunfire left Big Hero 6 so that he could work at Charles Xavier's X-Corporation office in Mumbai, India. His spot on the team was filled by Sunpyre, a young woman with similar solar-based powers who was pulled into this reality through the Power Purse and came to worship Honey Lemon as her own personal god. Similarly, after Silver Samurai was seemingly slain in an altercation with the assassin Elektra in Iraq, his spot on the team was filled by the enigmatic Ebon Samurai. With the two most experienced members of Big Hero 6 gone, Hiro became the team's new leader.
Sometime during their operation, they are attacked by minions of Yandroth. As part of a plan to gain power via super-hero battles, Yandroth sends a team of Living Erasers into their building. These entities are capable of transporting beings out of reality. The entire battle takes place off panel and is only mentioned in conjunction with attacks upon other superhero teams.
At a later point, the members of Big Hero 6 fall victim to a mind control device implanted within Baymax. Traveling to Canada, the mind-controlled superheroes attack a new incarnation of Alpha Flight at a national park. After a brief battle, the mind-control device is short-circuited and the two teams part as friends. Big Hero 6 returns to Japan to seek out the parties responsible for their mind control.
During the Ends of the Earth storyline, Spider-Man calls upon Big Hero 6 to help him defeat Doctor Octopus. The team (now operating from the Giri Institute) have to deal with Octopus' Octobots that Doctor Octopus has sent to Japan. Even when Big Hero 6 fights through the Octobots, they fight the local facility's last line of defense which happens to be Big Hero 6's old enemy Everwraith. Despite the tough battle, Big Hero 6 are victorious.[1]
Set in a fictional metropolis called San Fransokyo (a portmanteau of San Francisco and Tokyo), a young prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his self-created robot Baymax uncover a criminal plot and must join a team of inexperienced crime fighters,[8] including Wasabi-No-Ginger, (なにこれ、わさびのジンジャー(ショウガ)、ヘンな名前。。)Honey LemonGoGo Tomago, and Fred.[9]
Samuel Jackson Jrの名前がある。。。
ということは Nick Fury(ニック・フューリー)が出るのだろうか?
Big Hero 6 (wiki) (これは原作コミック。)
Big Hero 6 (film) (これが今回のディズニー映画版。)

T. J. Miller as Fred[10] Jamie Chung as GoGo Tomago[11][12] Maya Rudolph as TBA[12] Samuel L. Jackson as TBA[13] Freddie Highmore as TBA 

主人公のハマダ・ヒロくんは13歳の天才少年。3Dプリンターでパーツを作って自立式のロボットをつくった。。!そのロボットは彼の、かけがいのない友達となる(のか。。?) (Lucyさん解説)
Disney Big Hero 6 [ Trailer ]
Disney's Big Hero 6 animated movies
Disney and Marvel's  Big Hero 6 movie
Disney/Marvel's Big Hero 6 First look footage
This is actually pretty cool to see Disney and Marvel working on a movie together. Plus, the characters of Big Hero 6 fits the kid-friendly things that Disney's known for. (マーベルのなかでもこの作品は、比較的子供がなじめるキャラ達なのでディズニーにも合うだろうという。)
 I just hope Marvel gets a say in their character's personality and
are allowed to cordinate the fight scenes. (そうですねぇ、ロボットの戦闘シーンをどのくらいディズニーが見せるかですねェ。。(想像もつかないなぁ。。) Disney can work on the story.